Now that the Anatomy and Physiology test is behind us our paramedic class moved on to the beginnings of pharmacology. Our teacher grabbed a drug box and let us try the different drugs on each other - then separated us into groups based on the outcome. All the paralyzed people stayed put, everyone on B1 agonists got to run outside, all the people on Beta Blockers laid down to rest, the one dude on opioids sat there tripping, etc etc. It was a really good way to learn what the drugs did as well as how to reverse the effects (naloxone is COOL!)
It's too bad the cops came to break up the party before it was my turn :( I'm sure our new teacher won't be as fun
In other news, the book to the left (Dr. Jeffrey Guy's Pharmacology for Prehospital Professional) is great. I bought it a few months ago to study from and took it along to study group the other night. We sat around doing all the drug calcs from the book so we'd have a leg up on class. It made the drug calc worksheet our teacher gave us really easy :)