Yesterday was my first 24 of the week. It started out pretty normally, show up, do rig checks, stop at the grocery store, clean, etc. Had to get my radio fixed, bring rigs to the shop etc.
We had a call (elderly person HR 140, possible ST elevation, full lungs, low O2 sats) that we patched up with some duonebs after online medical control looked at the 12 lead. Then got lunch, wrote report and practiced chilling out. We watched a couple movies (Inception and Funny People) then ran to the restaurant for food. We ate supper and I decided to turn in - partner was going to shower.
I got up a couple hours later for water and a bathroom break -- door was locked and my partner was in there, showering again?
He came out and looked wretched and complained of back tightness-- I asked him if he needed anything, patient refusal. I asked him again, and a third time just to be sure. Still refused. I had him fill out the patient refused service form (PRS), then went back to bed.
Got up early in the morning to do a quick check that everything was ok -- partner's bedroom was empty and there was someone sleeping in the living room... bizarre but I was tired so I went back to bed. (Notice a trend, don't expect much out of me at night besides sleep).
Got up at 7am and HOLY SHIT, I have a new partner(the person sleeping on the couch). My partner is in the ER. Whaaa?
A) although I don't like being woken up, if we'd gotten a 911 call I'd have been confused as hell
B) I wish he hadn't refused help so many times.
C) Speaking with the supervisors I found that the back tightness is the early warning sign that he's not going to be ok.
In other news, I came home and found that SyFy likes to show Star Trek:TNG over and over and over - so I've been napping in the recliner watching TNG all day.